Workshop on Body-based Relaxation Practices

When: Saturday October 12, 2019

Time: 10:00am – 11:30am

Cost: $25 / person or your co-pay fee for client’s established at ODCFC (if preferring to use your insurance). 


Workshop: Introduction to Trauma Sensitive Yoga by Alena Jensen,  LCSW 

and TREtension & trauma releasing exercises by Lindsay Jordan-Zammuto, LCSW


What is TRE?

TREⓇ stands for Tension/ Trauma Releasing Exercises. It is a series of seven exercises designed to allow the body to activate a natural tremoring process. These therapeutic tremors can simply release tension from daily life, or more deeply held tension that was created during a traumatic experience helping move the body into the direction of health (Dr. David Berceli TREⓇ LLC).


Reported benefits include: calming of the nervous system, better sleep, releasing chronic muscle tension, decreased worry and anxiety and reduced symptoms of PTSD.


During TREⓇ, participants will learn self regulation practices to know how to start and stop the natural tremoring process at any time.


What is Trauma Sensitive Yoga? 


Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY)  was developed out of the Trauma Center in Boston by David Emerson and Bessel Van Der Kolk.   TCTSY is used to help individuals learn how to regulate themselves and feel okay within their own bodies.  TCTSY uses classic yoga forms and invitational language to facilitate change and empowerment. During class you will be guided through a gentle yoga sequence however you are also welcome to do whatever feels right for you in the moment.  You will likely leave class feeling calmer and more centered.